How to Save Your Money Using VOIP


1. Stop Using Phone Lines Now


Before voice over internet protocol you would have to get some phone lines from your phone company. You would have to pay for these lines as well plus you would have needed to pay a monthly fee every month to be able to use it. Not to mention the added fees for makings calls with these lines, so as you can imagine this fee can really add up quickly.


Usually the charge was around forty cents a minute which does not seem that expensive but it will add up quickly. Not to mention that your business has probably many different lines running through your office and the phones are constantly being used so these forty cents can become very expensive. Those humble forty cents can really turn into millions upon millions of dollars each and every month just to be able to use the phone!


With phone systems from Avaya IP500 Dubai and their new voice over internet protocol systems you no longer have to pay millions of dollars just to be able to use the phone in your business because it totally wipes out the needs for paying for lines.


2. Fees are No More


With the normal fees that is associated with communication, normal telephone systems will also require you to pay an assortment of other kinds of fees as well. However these fees are not like what you pay to lease a line which goes to your phone company, these fees actually go to the government. These governmental fees can add up to a lot of money because they can make up around seven percent of the phone bill which is quite a lot of money.


However, using voice over internet protocol systems will totally wipe out the need to pay the government fees.


3. Calling Features are Now Free


When you are using a normal Avaya Installation telephone system then you would had to pay extra to have features such as voicemail, call forwarding, and also call transfer as well and these things are just basic and you will need to pay for them, so just imagine using other kinds of advanced features. However, with voice of the internet protocol systems you will get all of these features plus a wide range of different kinds of advanced features for free which is really good news when you are trying to run your business efficiently and effectively and that is why it is time to switch over to VOIP.